The Lavazza Espresso Point brewer is a great machine that
The Gourmet Coffee Company offers for offices that want to serve restaurant quality espresso without the expense of a commercial grade espresso maker and the training that would be neccesary to have someone on staff to use it! With the Lavazza Espresso Point anyone in the office can prepare an espresso at the touch of a button!
In most offices that we come across especially in South Florida there is usually one person in the office who is the designated "espresso person". This person is "the" person in the office who knows how to make espresso or cuban coffee. When that person is not around the rest of the people in the office are helpless. If a client comes in and requests an espresso and that person is not there, you have to send someone out to get it or just tell the client that you don't have it. That is where the Lavazza is so great. No more relying on that one person. Many of the professional offices we service use a Lavazza and love it!
The Espresso Point allows you to make a short or long espresso and also has a frothing wand to froth your milk for Cappacinos and Lattes. Learning to froth the milk takes about 1 minute, so many people in the offices effectively become in office Baristas! The espresso has a medium and dark roast as well as decaf.
With the diverse, international population that inhabits South Florida in many cases it is almost expected that a client should have the opportunity to have a great cup of espresso while doing business. It is a nice touch to be able to offer that client such an excellent cup of espresso.
Demo a Lavazza brewer today! Call
The Gourmet Coffee Company at 305-698-0990 or email