The Demo
A great way for a prospective customer to decide on whether to use one of our systems is simple - to try it! The Gourmet Coffee Company offers to prospective customers a free demo, where we supply the machine, coffees as well as donuts for everyone to enjoy. This way everyone can see how the machine works and more importantly, taste the coffee for themselves. Everyone has their own personal taste in how they like their coffee. Some people like it very strong, some medium, some weak. Some people like flavored coffee, like French Vanilla or Hazelnut. The great thing about single cup machines, is that people in the office and customers/clients, can have a selection of coffees to choose from and each cup comes out fresh.
Coffee Demo
With Donuts!
Want to try something new for your office coffee? We have many different options to choose from. Call or email The Gourmet Coffee Company for a demo!!
Phone: 305-698-0990