Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coffee & Your State of Mind:)

Did you know that the introduction of coffee into Europe is credited with spurring on the Age of Enlightenment?  Before the introduction of coffee and subsequently the Coffee House, people generally started their day with a piece of bread and a beer! 

Well, studies come out all the time lauding coffee's health effects - better alertness, reducing chance of Alzheimer's, etc.  The latest study on coffee is that Women who drink 2 cups of coffee a day are less likely to get depressed. - Coffee May Prevent Depression, Scientists Say -

Most people don't need a reason to drink that beautiful, black liquid.  Generally and for me included, the fantastic aroma and delicious taste are enough.   It is nice to know, however, that drinking 2 cups per day, may help prevent depression as well!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lavazza Espresso Point - Restaurant Quality Espresso in the Office!

The Lavazza Espresso Point brewer is a great machine that The Gourmet Coffee Company offers for offices that want to serve restaurant quality espresso without the expense of a commercial grade espresso maker and the training that would be neccesary to have someone on staff to use it!  With the Lavazza Espresso Point anyone in the office can prepare an espresso at the touch of a button!

In most offices that we come across especially in South Florida there is usually one person in the office who is the designated "espresso person".  This person  is "the" person in the office who knows how to make espresso or cuban coffee.  When that person is not around the rest of the people in the office are helpless.  If a client comes in and requests an espresso and that person is not there, you have to send someone out to get it or just tell the client that you don't have it.  That is where the Lavazza is so great.  No more relying on that one person.  Many of the professional offices we service use a Lavazza and love it!

The Espresso Point allows you to make a short or long espresso and also has a frothing wand to froth your milk for Cappacinos and Lattes.  Learning to froth the milk takes about 1 minute, so many people in the offices  effectively become in office Baristas!  The espresso has a medium and dark roast as well as decaf. 

With the diverse, international  population that inhabits South Florida in many cases it is almost expected that a client should have the opportunity to have a great cup of espresso while doing business.  It is a nice touch to be able to offer that client such an excellent cup of espresso. 

Demo a Lavazza brewer today!  Call The Gourmet Coffee Company   at 305-698-0990 or email

Monday, September 19, 2011

Marley Coffee - Makes Sweet Music In Your Mug!

Marley coffee, the brainchild of Rohan Marley, Bob's son has produced some very fine coffee.  We recently sampled several types  of the Marley coffee brand including One Love, Lion's Blend and Kingston City Roast.  I would describe the Lion's Blend and One Love as pretty good medium bodied coffees.  Good, but a bit non descript.  Keep in mind that I like my coffee very dark.

Well I struck gold with the Kingston City Roast.  It is an outstanding dark roasted coffee.    Described on its packaging as chocolaty and sweet, it is just that and dark, very dark.  There is an ever so slight "chocolaty" taste to it and it does have a understated sweetness that really satisfies the coffee senses.  The aroma is the final touch on an all around outstanding coffee.

The Marley coffee company owns 52 acres of mountain top landscape in the Jamaican Blue Mountains.  This gives them prime real estate for the production of one of the world's most coveted beans.  Unfortunately, we have not had the pleasure of sampling this coffee yet.  Check back soon as we should be receiving samples of the coffee shortly!

Marely coffee comes in whole bean, 2.5 oz frac pacs as well as pods.