Friday, November 11, 2011

Coffee Service - The Real Benefits

Some people must question from time to time - what are the benefits of having an office coffee service?  Why don't I just have someone run to the store to pick up supplies?  While this may make sense for small offices, (less than 10 employees) for most offices, running an in house coffee service can become a full time job for whoever the unlucky person in the office who inherits the job.  Let's quantify the costs of someone handling the office coffee service for a 25 employee office:

1.  1 hour a week to inventory the needs for upcoming week. $10
2.  1 hour a week to go to the store and back. $ 10
3.  1 hour per week at the store. $10
4.   Gas for the trip to and from the store. $10
5.  1 hour per week cleaning and maintaining equipment and coffee area.  $10

This equals to $50 per week or $200  per month - $2,400 per year!  This does not include the potential liability issues associated with that person getting into a car accident going to and from the store (if just one employee got into an accident doing a coffee pick up your costs of an in house coffee service goes through the roof!).  Or for the occasional  trips to the store because of unexpectedly running out of products.  Take into consideration also, that the office will have to buy the equipment.  They may not want to pay for plumbed in equipment so the quality of the equipment won't be as good as what you could get from an office coffee service.  And what if the equipment breaks?  Are you going to call a handy man?  A plumber?  What if the equipment is down for 3 or 4 days or more?  Having seen  the high stress level at offices where the coffee maker is down(people can get very upset!!) it is a good idea to be able to get  coffee equipment fixed - FAST!

With an office coffee service, your equipment is installed free of charge.  You have  your choice of several different types of coffee brewers suggested by your office coffee service.  Deliveries are made to  your office consistently and correctly.  Run out of a particular product?  No problem, just call your coffee service and they will get it to you.  Coffee equipment not working?  Simply call your office coffee service and they will either fix or replace the equipment for you so your office doesn't miss a beat! If the store you shop at decides not to carry your particular product anymore there is nothing you can do.  As an  office coffee service we make it our  business to make sure we have the products you want.   And if we don't stock it, we will!

An office coffee service may seem like a luxury compared to running your own in house coffee service, but when you actually look at the cost/benefits it actually turns out to be your least expensive, most efficient option!

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