Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Office Coffee Service - The Real Benefits - Update

On Our Way With Your Supplies!?! 

About 2 years ago we posted about the real costs of doing an in house coffee service for the office -   We neglected to mention one very important thing that we have notice more and more of in the last several years. 

Many offices  are  having an employee run to the store for supplies.  These employees are often  doing this on "their" time - weekends, after hours.   Besides the liabilities involved, there is also the possibility of the employee filing suit at some juncture for unpaid overtime hours.  These suits are pretty popular in Florida and if these employees can show that they were doing this  2-3 hours a week over a period of  years, that can leave the office open to several thousands of dollars worth of lawsuits. 

With that in mind the employee would be out of the office during regular business hours and when you figure in cost per hour of  an employee ($15/hr) that would be ($30-$45 per week), another hour per week for inventory ($15/week), Gas to and from the store($15/week), 1 hour per week cleaning and maintaining the equipment and coffee area ($15/week).  That totals $90 week or $4,680 per year, which amounts to $390 per month!! That is a lot of money.  Then there are the actual costs of the products.  Lets say you spend $200 per month.  The coffee service would have to charge you triple in order for coffee service not to make sense.  Also keep in mind that the coffee service will provide you with equipment and maintenance of the equipment at no charge!!

The choice to use a coffee service for a more efficient use of time is always a great choice for the office, particularly for offices with  15 or more employees.  Make office coffee service part of your office's services!!

If you are looking for an upgrade in your coffee service, while saving money and time in the process, consider contacting The Gourmet  Coffee CompanyThe Gourmet Coffee Company provides office coffee service throughout South Florida - Coral Gables, Downtown Miami, Brickell, Aventura, Miami Beach, Downtown Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Weston and all of  West Palm Beach - anywhere in the tri county area.  If you would like  a demo of any of our systems or to receive  a proposal,  please contact The Gourmet Coffee Company at 305-698-0990 or


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